According to South African Home Affairs regulations, we need from you:

TWO passport/id photos each of bride and groom which should be handed to the Marriage Officer on day of the wedding before the ceremony starts (colour or black and white)
Certified copies of bride and groom’s passport as well as certified copies two witnesses passport (if foreigner) ID (If SA citizen)

  • If a person is divorced, a certified copy of the final divorce decree
  • If a spouse is deceased, a certified copy of the death certificate

Letter of no impediment on marital status which can be obtained from any authority that is relevant in your country of ORIGIN whom can issue you with such a document
Please discuss with Beulah the option of a Statutory declaration for Commonwealth countries

If you are already living/working in SA as a foreigner you may contact the Consulate General/embassy of your particular country for a letter of no impediment

We complete the necessary document for foreign couples (BI-31 form – an affidavit confirming that the person is legally in SA for the wedding) The person signs this form on the day of the wedding

To be able to complete the BI-31 form, we need a copy of the stamp inside passport when arriving in SA

If you are working/living in SA (but a foreigner), we need a copy of document to state under which condition you are in SA for example : temporary residence permit or working permit etc

A NON South African citizen getting married to a South African citizen have to go as a couple for an interview with an immigration officer at a home affairs immigration office (Beulah will send list of contact details of specific offices). An interview must be booked in advance.  This interview must take place BEFORE your wedding day in SA.  A letter will be issued which the couple will give to the marriage officer to attach to the marriage register.
Foreign couples : We do the Unabridged (international) marriage certificate at Home Affairs We also do the Apostille (for those countries that require it) at the Department : International Relations and Cooperation (Department of Home Affairs in Pretoria). Detail will be discussed via email

You also need to decide whether you will be married in community of property or with an ante nuptial contract.  If ante nuptial contract – you need to submit a letter from the lawyer where you signed the contract, to confirm that you have signed the ante nuptial contract BEFORE your wedding day

All the above documents can be send via fax or scan and send via e-mail BUT it is a good idea to have it all on the day of the wedding too if the faxed/scanned copies are not clear. Beulah will inform you about clarity of documents


We also have to take left thumb prints on the marriage register of the bride and groom on the day of the wedding. (We will have wet-wipes ready)